
Poland’s adjusted income forecast to overtake Japan by 2026 

According to new GDP per capita PPP (purchase power parity) data from the World Bank, Poland's GDP-adjusted income will likely surpass that of Japan by 2026.


Poland’s PMI unchanged in June on “weak demand”

Poland's Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) held steady at 45 in June, according to the economic intelligence company S&P Global's report published on 1st July.


Hungary’s consumption per capita at 70% of EU average in 2023

Hungary's actual individual consumption (AIC) per capita at purchasing power parity was 70% of the EU average in 2023, according to Eurostat data.


Poland’s adjusted income forecast to overtake Japan by 2026 

According to new GDP per capita PPP (purchase power parity) data from the World Bank, Poland's GDP-adjusted income will likely surpass that of Japan by 2026.


Poland’s PMI unchanged in June on “weak demand”

Poland's Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) held steady at 45 in June, according to the economic intelligence company S&P Global's report published on 1st July.


Hungary’s consumption per capita at 70% of EU average in 2023

Hungary's actual individual consumption (AIC) per capita at purchasing power parity was 70% of the EU average in 2023, according to Eurostat data.


Hungary cuts base interest rate by 25 basis points

Hungary’s central bank lowered its base rate by a quarter point on Tuesday from 7.25% to 7%.  


Poland may consider rate cut in Q2 2025

Polish inflation is expected to decrease gradually and should the government implement stricter fiscal policies, it might be feasible to consider “responsible” interest rate cuts


Launch of Hungary’s new Golden Visa Program on July 1

Starting from July 1, wealthy individuals from nations outside the European Union and European Economic Area will have the opportunity to obtain residency in Hungary


Polish economic growth at 2% in Q1, says statistics office

Poland’s economy grew 2% in Q1 following 1% growth in Q4 2023, according to a preliminary estimate by the country’s statistics office.


Clash reignites between Hungary’s economy minister and central bank governor

A clash between Hungary's economy minister and the central bank governor reignited on Tuesday after a brief ceasefire, with the minister accusing the bank of being uncooperative regarding economic strategy.


Polish GDP growth up 1.3% in Q1

Poland’s GDP grew 1.3% year-on-year in Q1, marginally easing from a gain of 1.6% year-on-year in the fourth quarter of last year.


Hungary’s industrial sector falls more than forecast

Data published on Wednesday revealed that Hungary's industrial sector is facing challenges in its recovery, leaving the domestic consumer sector to lead growth and offer crucial support for public finances.


Poland working on "maximum transparency" as debt servicing costs rise

Poland is working on increasing the transparency of its public finances as debt servicing costs mount.


Hungary cuts base interest rate by 25 basis points

Hungary’s central bank lowered its base rate by a quarter point on Tuesday from 7.25% to 7%.  


Poland may consider rate cut in Q2 2025

Polish inflation is expected to decrease gradually and should the government implement stricter fiscal policies, it might be feasible to consider “responsible” interest rate cuts


Launch of Hungary’s new Golden Visa Program on July 1

Starting from July 1, wealthy individuals from nations outside the European Union and European Economic Area will have the opportunity to obtain residency in Hungary


Polish economic growth at 2% in Q1, says statistics office

Poland’s economy grew 2% in Q1 following 1% growth in Q4 2023, according to a preliminary estimate by the country’s statistics office.


Clash reignites between Hungary’s economy minister and central bank governor

A clash between Hungary's economy minister and the central bank governor reignited on Tuesday after a brief ceasefire, with the minister accusing the bank of being uncooperative regarding economic strategy.

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